What We Believe
We strive to create a culture where we can explore our faith together.
We come from varied backgrounds, and hold a wide range of perspectives, and welcome anyone to join our gatherings.
We recognize entering into an active and engaged community can be intimidating, but we value new perspectives and voices in the UCC community and hope that you will add yours and together we can enrich our faith experience and practice.
We believe God became man and dwelt among us.
We believe to see Jesus is to see God incarnate.
To know the Son is to know the God the Creator.
We believe that God's nature is expressed in Jesus, the very Word of God.
We believe that neither temptation nor threat prevented Jesus from loving God and his neighbour as himself. He trusted God completely and lived in the Holy Spirit. Jesus shows us what it means to be a child of God.
We believe that Jesus is the Mediator through whom God has come to us and through whom we come to God. Christ died for our sins. The innocent one bore our condemnation on the cross. He suffered and was put to death for the sin of the world.
Adapted from Living Faith, A Statement of Christian Faith
For more on what we believe, click on the link: https://presbyterian.ca/about/