Is everyday Earth Day?
April 23, 2023

Is everyday Earth Day?

Passage: Mark 4:26-29
Service Type:

We celebrate Earth Day on April 22. This is a day that we celebrate to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This is an important day to recognize the importance of our planet and the need we have to protect its resources.
As we celebrate Earth Day we might ask what does this have to do with our church? When we read scripture we can see that God created the earth lovingly and gave humans dominion over the earth but what does this mean? We know we are called as Christians to care for the earth but how do we balance this on top of all the other things that God asks us to do? These are important questions to discuss but the question we need to be asking is what are we as a church doing for the earth?
Let’s talk about these questions this Sunday as we not only celebrate Earth Day but we think about what God calls us to do for the Earth as Christians.

Listen to the sermon here