Can These Bones Live?
March 26, 2023

Can These Bones Live?

Passage: Ezekiel 37:1-14. John 11:1-45
Service Type:

This Sunday we welcome Dr. Wendy VanderWal Martin to preach. She is the keynote speaker at our Human Sexuality Seminar- Naked and Unashamed: A Candid Conversation About Sexuality.

We are continuing our spiritual practice of seeking this 5th Sunday of Lent.
This week we ask  “Can These Bones Live?”

The church has a legacy of repression, shame, and exclusion on the matter of sexuality. Many people who have experienced religious trauma point to questions around sexuality as a key factor in the harm they have experienced. These dry, dead bones contribute to the perception that the church is at best irrelevant and at worse oppressive and harmful. But can these bones live? What message of hope might the body of Christ offer for the common good in this arena of sexuality?

Listen to the Sermon