Sermons & Series - Difficult Words of Jesus

Part 3 - October 31, 2021
The text for this Sunday is Mark 10:35-44 (NIV)
Why would Jesus use the word "slave" to his disciples instead of renouncing the practice of slavery? Is that a difficult word for you? Why or why not? How else could Jesus have said those words?
What other difficult words are found in this passage? What does this tell us about how we should be reading and interpreting words in scripture?
Join us as we continue to look at some of the more difficult words of Jesus*

Part 2 - October 24, 2021
We are continuing in our series on the Difficult Words of Jesus. And this week's is a tough one!
Last week in a part of the text we read Jesus cited the commandment "Honour your father and mother.”
This week we hear Jesus tell his disciples "Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple."
So which is it? Hate or Honour? And what if we are on the receiving end of the hate?
Text: Luke 14:25-33
Join us as we continue to look at some of the more difficult words of Jesus*

Part 1 - October 17, 2021
Do you have a favourite saying of Jesus?
If you do, it's probably something from when he offers blessings, peace, and comfort. But sometimes Jesus' words make us squirm.
This series based on Amy Jill Levine's book will go through some of the sayings.This Sunday: Difficult Words of Jesus:
Text: Mark 10:17-27Listen to the Sermon
If you do, it's probably something from when he offers blessings, peace, and comfort. But sometimes Jesus' words make us squirm.
This series based on Amy Jill Levine's book will go through some of the sayings.This Sunday: Difficult Words of Jesus:
Text: Mark 10:17-27Listen to the Sermon
Are you sick - no this isn't a pre-screening test. 
Are you heartsick?
Are you pining for something and you don't quite know what or why?
What could you do to make you feel better?
Would you do it, no matter the cost?
Let's explore this text together and see what it is about and why it sounds so difficult.

Are you heartsick?
Are you pining for something and you don't quite know what or why?
What could you do to make you feel better?
Would you do it, no matter the cost?
Let's explore this text together and see what it is about and why it sounds so difficult.