Children & Youth
If you have children from newborn to age 4, don’t forget to check out our nursery care on Sunday
morning. Located right off the worship hall, the nursery is equipped with games, toys and books to
make every child’s experience enjoyable. It’s staffed by capable and caring volunteers who will lead your
child(ren) in play and fun activities where they can meet Jesus too.
Mamas and Kids Playgroup
We meet every other Wednesday morning from 9:30am – 11:30am at the Church Nursery. Come for a time of
play, snacks and conversation with other parents. Check our Events Calendar for the dates 🙂
Sunday School
For children in grade school (K-8), our Sunday School classes happen downstairs in the Orange Room. Each
week wonderful volunteer teachers and helpers lead children as they explore scripture through songs,
crafts, stories and games. We are currently using a curriculum called “Whirl Classroom” by Sparkhouse.