Book Study (Students and Young Adults)
EVERY SUNDAY at 10:30am we join with the wider UCC community to worship together. Starting September 7th, students and young adults gather for lunch in The Green Bean after the service. Sharing a meal together every Sunday provides us an opportunity to get to know each other better and continue the mornings conversation as it relates to our lives. Everyone is welcome!
STUDENT YARD SALE & FREE BBQ. Join us for our Student Yard Sale & Free BBQ at 1pm, rain or shine! We know that coming to school and moving out on your own means filling your house or room with practical things you will need in order to eat, sleep and enjoy student life. With a valid ID, every student will be given a $10 voucher to spend at the yard sale. This is our way of saying we hope your school year is good one! Along with giving away free stuff, we will be serving free hot dogs and drinks, as well as hosting a few other fun activities and contests. Looking forward to seeing you there!
MID-WEEK GATHERING – Starting on Wednesday, September 10th we will be gathering for songs, prayers and sharing! There will be multiple book discussions offered. Stay tuned for more details. 🙂
HANDS & FEET – Once a month we gather for interactive, hands-on, conversation-provoking pursuits and projects that will help us put action to our words. These activities could be anything from documentaries & discussion events, interesting social experiments, give-a-ways, volunteering and more.
FOREST OF JUNIPERS! This coming semester we will be starting a once a month gathering called ‘Forest of Junipers’. It will be a multi-faceted evening, full of songs, poetry, art, music, stories, times of reflection and discussion.
A companion of Francis of Assisi, Brother Juniper is remembered as a “fool for Christ,” and there are all sorts of wild stories about his antics. He was notorious for constantly giving his possessions away and living with a winsomeness that sometimes got him into trouble. At one point, he was ordered by a superior not to give away his outer garment to the beggars for some clouting. He said, “My superior has told me under obedience not to give my clothing to anyone. But if you pull it off my back, I certainly will not prevent you.” Francis is said to have joked about how he wished for a forest of Junipers.
Juniper is an example of someone living out the love of Christ in radical ways. With Juniper’s story as inspiration, and Jesus’ life and teachings at the centre of our mission, we hope that we will invite others to participate in the life Christ is calling us to live.